Scott MartindaleBulls have refused to let the market break down. Last week, the ECB’s Mario Draghi came to the rescue by pledging to do “whatever it takes” to support the euro, which launched a big rally to close the week. Still, investors have been eagerly anticipating an announcement of something more concrete, like some bold new action from the central banks, i.e., more global liquidity.

smartindale / Tag: BBT, ASPS, STX, AAPL, SPY, IYF, iyw, IYH, IYK, IYJ, IYC, IYE, IYM, IDU, IYZ, sectors, ETF, iShares / 0 Comments

Scott MartindaleMarkets attempted to rebound on Wednesday after two days of fear and loathing, but extreme weakness in Apple (AAPL) held back the Nasdaq and S&P 500 while the Dow was able to finish positive. Whether this is just a dead cat bounce remains to be seen. Without a doubt, this week has changed the technical picture from bullish to iffy.

smartindale / Tag: ETF, iShares, iyw, IYH, IYF, IYJ, IYC, IYK, IYM, IDU, IYE, IYZ, CBOE, SYMC, WDC, AAPL, UUP, sectors / 0 Comments

Markets have been signaling a willingness to look past the deluge of troubling news and move higher. This is bullish behavior. On Tuesday, market psychology displayed its positivity as initial weakness on bad news was quickly reversed. Rather than demanding that the Fed initiate a QE3, investors seem to be happier with indications from the Fed that the economy might be able to muddle along without it.

smartindale / Tag: ETF, iShares, iyw, IYH, IYF, IYJ, IYC, IYK, IYM, IDU, IYE, IYZ, SPY, STX, UTHR, NTES, SPPI, sectors, VIX / 0 Comments

smartindale / Tag: CTCT, ETF, HUM, IDU, ISRG, IYC, IYE, IYF, IYH, IYJ, IYK, IYM, iyw, IYZ, linkedin, long/short, sector-rotation, sectors, SPRD / 0 Comments

smartindale / Tag: ETF, GTS, IDU, IYC, IYE, IYF, IYH, IYJ, IYK, IYM, iyw, IYZ, linkedin, long/short, sector-rotation, sectors, SPRD, VMW, WLP / 0 Comments

Technology and Materials have been the major drag on the market this week, through Wednesday. Surprisingly, Financials and Energy have held up pretty well. It’s tough for the Technology sector, the S&P 500, and the Nasdaq to perform when the biggest market-cap company—Apple (AAPL)—misses estimates for the first time in forever, I think. Or was it 2004?

smartindale / Tag: ETF, GTS, HUM, IDU, IYC, IYE, IYF, IYH, IYJ, IYK, IYM, iyw, IYZ, linkedin, long/short, sector-rotation, sectors, SPRD, VMW / 0 Comments

The usual suspects of Materials, Industrials, Financials and Energy continue to lead this unstable market both up and down. Technology has been less volatile, and in fact it has been tracking closely with Healthcare lately. These two also happen to rank the highest this week in Sabrient’s SectorCast ETF rankings.

smartindale / Tag: AAPL, ETF, IDU, IYC, IYE, IYF, IYH, IYJ, IYK, IYM, iyw, IYZ, JAZZ, linkedin, long/short, PRGO, sector-rotation, sectors, TECD, VIX / 0 Comments
