The market continues to try to suck in bears who are itching to short a rally that is long on optimism but short on volume and fundamental underpinnings. But each time it appears that a correction of significance is ready to start, a bid arrives with the slimmest of justification to sends the market to new heights. Despite market exuberance, my own technical analysis of the charts and Sabrient’s SectorCast-ETF fundamentals-based quantitative ranking of the ten U.S. sector iShares are both telling me that there is still much to worry about.

Scott MartindaleAfter last week’s Sector Detector article in which I talked about the “relentlessly strong September” making the market quite overbought from a technical standpoint, it looked like the market was going to waterfall into a healthy correction on Thursday. But alas, the bulls pulled a rabbit out of their hat and closed the week with a flourish.
