Defensive Equity 

The Sabrient Defensive Equity Index is a large-cap index designed to achieve a superior risk-return during periods of weakness in the markets and/or the overall American economy, while still offering the potential for gains during periods of market strength and economic growth. 

Insider Sentiment 

The Sabrient Insider Sentiment Index is an all-cap index designed to help markets incorporate significant insider information into stock valuation. Insider buying and rising analysts’ earnings estimates are reliable signals of a company’s future growth prospects.

GARP Index

The Sabrient GARP 50 Index is an all-cap index that leverages Sabrient’s flagship Growth at a Reasonable Price model, which is based on forward valuation, consensus earnings growth expectations, the dynamics of recent analyst revisions, earnings quality, and the consistency and reliability of a company’s earnings history. Similarly, the Sabrient GARP-SMID Index applies the same model to a small-mid cap universe.

GARP-Dividend Index

The Sabrient GARP-Dividend Index is a multi-cap index that applies Sabrient’s flagship Growth at a Reasonable Price model, which is based on forward valuation, consensus earnings growth expectations, the dynamics of recent analyst revisions, earnings quality, and the consistency and reliability of a company’s earnings history, to a universe of solid dividend-paying stocks to deliver attractive growth & income (including a target dividend yield in excess of 4%).

LIcensing an Index Strategy:

To inquire about licensing a Sabrient strategy for an index, please contact us at 805-730-7777 or